July 6, 2014

Year 10 Bronze DofE expedition

25 Year 10 boys took part in the Bronze Qualifying Expedition last weekend in Teesdale completed a testing weekend which included the following daunting set of challenges: walk 30 km in uncomfortably hot weather, carry 15-20 kg backpack, eat and drink only what you carry, camp overnight in a three man tent, cook two hot meals on Saturday evening and Sunday morning, pack up tent and be ready to go on time, lead and navigate a group of four or five people along a leg of a route using map and compass meeting staff at checkpoints, keep an eye on each other and maintain a high group morale, set a good pace, remember your first aid if needed, learn to talk on a radio, admit you are lost and check your leader’s navigation, laugh and avoid blame games when he takes you eight km off the route. ALL THIS UNDER ASSESSMENT.

The external assessors praised our boys efforts and predicted that the majority of those present had the potential of achieving the Gold award.