Newcastle School for Boys’ Senior School is recognised as amongst the best secondary schools in Newcastle and the North East; both in the independent and state sector.
At our Senior School, students are provided with a high quality, supportive learning experience in small and pupil-focused classes.
With specialist teaching throughout, pupils learn from teachers who share their passion and bring enjoyment to their learning. Pupils are taught in carefully organised teaching groups in most subjects to ensure they receive the best possible teaching matched to their needs. Class arrangements are designed to be responsive to needs that may change over time.
A pupils progress is monitored continually through regular assessment and reporting – parents are kept well-informed of that progress. Our teachers’ knowledge of the boys and their informed use of assessment data, particularly at GCSE and A level, allows for careful target-setting to ensure each pupil is challenged.
Outside of the classroom, students are given the opportunity to gain unique learning, sporting and cultural experiences through the number of trips and visits on offer. Whether a day trip to a local attraction or a sports tour to somewhere further afield such as South Africa or India, the opportunities open to boys of all interests are second to none at the School. We believe that learning outside of the classroom is an essential component of our curriculum and, through this, boys are able to put their learning to life, develop new life skills, experience different cultures and make memories they will long draw upon.
Throughout all of this, boys are supported through these sometimes challenging years by the exceptional pastoral care delivered at the School. Small class sizes allow each teacher to get to know the pupils on an individual level and provide them with the support they require. Daily tutor time allows the boys to reflect upon their learning, build upon their experiences and set personal targets to continue their growth.
Small class sizes of around 20.

I have seen my son flourish and really begin to show his potential in a short time since he joined the school. The staff are friendly, passionate about their subjects and have high aspirations for all the boys.