Partnerships and Community

At Newcastle School for Boys, we take pride in our partnerships with such a fantastic range of local facilities, including swimming pools, music venues, cricket clubs, golf courses, football fields, and rugby grounds. These partnerships enrich our boys’ educational experiences, offering them unique opportunities to learn, achieve, and develop within the local community.

As a school, we have developed several partnerships with other local organisations who we are proud to access their facilities, including South Northumberland Cricket Club and High Gosforth Park Golf Club for specialist on-site coaching.

Our boys also take great pleasure in going out into the community to volunteer their time. We host a very successful Duke of Edinburgh’s award scheme programme and, as part of this, many of our boys have taken on a number of voluntary positions including helping at local residential home, Abbeyfield.

Our school choirs are particularly prevalent in the community, often performing to the public over the festive period or at charitable events such as fundraisers run by Maggie’s, Newcastle.

Maggie’s, Newcastle is also one of our Senior School charities; one of two charities chosen by our boys to fundraise for their work in supporting families affected by cancer in the region. As their other charity, the boys chose Doctor’s Without Boarders through their wish to do what they could to help provide medical care to those unable to access it, particularly in the wake of the recent refugee crisis.

As a school, we appreciate that our responsibility to our boys and the community goes beyond the teaching we deliver in the classroom. These are just some examples of how we work to support ongoing projects whilst we continuously look to widen these partnerships further.

Boys follow a character education programme to ensure the development of young men of excellent character.

At NSB there is a deep understanding of the way boys learn and the curriculum, culture and methods allow the boys to be the best they can.