Early Years and Juniors
Primary Maths Challenge
It certainly has been a busy term for our Junior School mathematicians! Over two weeks, boys in Years 5 and 6 completed the Primary Maths Challenge, a paper that not only tests the boys’ mathematical knowledge but is also a true test of their logical thinking and problem-solving skills.
Following two rounds of challenge, six of our Year 5 and 6 boys were presented with awards for their fantastic achievements.
Gold awards were presented to Matthew S and Tristan V and (both Ascham); silver awards were presented to Joshua H (Newlands), Lucas P (Mavor) and Ashton S (Mavor) and a bronze award was presented to Tobi E (Aldridge) and Will G (Newlands).
Plenty for our mathematicians to look forward to in 2023: an inter-school maths competition, NSPCC Rocks and the First Maths Challenge for boys in Year 3!