Seniors and Sixth Form
A level results get better and better
This year’s Year 13 leavers have achieved the School’s best A level results to date. Well over half of our A levels were awarded at top grades A* to B and over 90% of boys achieved places at their chosen universities. This is despite this year’s decline in A level results nationally.
It represents a tremendous achievement for our boys, their teachers and their families. The boys have worked hard for their results and as a school, we work to support each boy to exceed his predictions – to add as much value as we can. Many families make considerable sacrifices to send their sons to NSB. We try to ensure that they get excellent value for their money. We are delighted that our A level results confirm that we achieve this.
With a relatively new sixth form, we continue to see the building of a successful academic track record in public exams and our ability to deliver boys to top universities and courses.
This year even saw a number of boys exceed their university grade offers leaving them eligible for adjustment – the process whereby students who do better than expected can then consider places on alternative and sometimes more competitive courses.
Edward Swales was the School’s top A level performer achieving A*A*A in sciences. Edward will now study Natural Sciences at Nottingham University.
Rhys Asker who achieved AAA also exceeded his university offer and is considering, after a gap year, transferring from the film studies course he has secured a place on to pursue a degree course in creative writing. Rhys is already working on his first novel.