August 22, 2024

Newcastle School for Boys celebrate this morning’s GCSE results

Pupils at Newcastle School for Boys were delighted to receive their GCSE exam results this morning having waited anxiously to find out if they had achieved the grades they hoped for after months of working towards their exams.

Over a third of the GCSEs were awarded top grades 9-7 and 75% of them 9-5. A number of high performing pupils achieved strings of top grades of 9s and 8s.

The significant increases in top grades highlighted the quality of teaching and support that pupils have received at Newcastle School for Boys. Pupils at NSB have varying starting points and this year’s GCSE pupils were able to add significant value to their results across the entire grade spectrum and in a wide range of subjects. The School regularly achieves significant added value that places it in the top 10% of UK schools by this measure.

Oscar (photographed above) amongst other high scores, received a 9 for his fine art which is a fantastic achievement.  Similar to many of the School’s pupils, Ted (also photographed above), successfully balanced his academic studies with a strong commitment to elite sporting pathways in cricket and rugby saying, “I am happy with my results.  I am so relieved.”


David Tickner, Head of Newcastle School for Boys, said of the results, ‘We are very proud of each of our pupils’ achievements.  They each of have different starting points, strengths and needs.  Their hard work has paid off.  They have also been exceptionally well taught and supported.  A day for our pupils and community to celebrate their achievements.  We are excited to welcome the pupils back to continue their journeys in the sixth form next month.