Boys Only Education

Why a boys’ school?

As the only independent boys’ school in the north east, at Newcastle School for Boys we are experts in how boys learn and develop. Pupils are taught, guided and cared for by staff who have actively chosen a professional path specialising in boys’ education. Our curriculum and resources are designed specifically to engage boys.

When choosing a school for their child, parents will undoubtedly weigh up the benefits of a single-sex education over a co-educational institute and may question how significant the difference is between the development of a boy and a girl.

As research has shown, boys learn and develop differently to girls.

Whilst each boy is different, boys hold a unique set of characteristics which influence the way they learn and grow. They tend to prefer their learning to be more active and hands-on. Traditionally, within a co-educational setting, learning is significantly weighted to a female style of learning.  Most boys benefit from working in shorter bursts and understanding the purpose of why they are learning something.

Boys face different social challenges to girls, maturing and developing at different rates. Newcastle School for Boys provides a supportive and encouraging environment for boys to feel comfortable and confident in facing these challenges.

However, whilst the benefits of a boys only classroom are widely evidenced, the importance of learning and socialising with girls as preparation for life beyond the classroom is essential. The School shares strong links with local girls’ schools, putting on joint performances, sharing social activities and going on combined school trips, allowing boys the best of both worlds.

An excellent education for boys is not laissez-faire – boys will be boys – in its approach. An excellent education for boys acknowledges each pupil as individuals and is built around an understanding of those individuals and how they learn and develop.

Exceptional pastoral care to ensure all boys’ needs are met

The boys only education helps them focus and not feel shy to ask questions, especially in this school where they all get on in class so well and respect each other